Finding the quality in this chronic illness life.
Who Are We?
Our Story —
BootsandMeds was named after a sailor and a nurse… well … that is who we were before we both fell chronically ill. We want to share our unique story in hopes to help you or someone you love have an easier journey!
BootsAndMeds Youtube channel has videos on our lives and the chronic illness struggles we are currently dealing with. From fixing our home to be more accessible to going to appointments to surgeries/procedures… it is all documented here.
You Are Not Alone!
The Flare Room is where I share my personal journey of over a decade with living with multiple chronic illnesses. Grab your fuzzy socks and favorite cozy blanket and let’s chat!
I Believe You!
I know, I know. You have more than likely been questioned in the past about the severity or even the name of your chronic illness. Listen, you know yourself better than anyone and even though I will NEVER have a cure for you, I do have some resources that may help make it a little easier.